Welcome to the website of the Association of the Archery Clubs in the county of Berkshire and two that are in Oxfordshire.  (It’s a long story) Coaching Events Calendar

Continuous Professional Development (CPD). The Coaching Group are offering self-learn training sessions for coaches and archers. A certificate of training is available for some activities *.



Archery GB/Hive Learning A comprehensive information source for AGB members.

The Learning Curve

Title *



Block versus Random Practice

How to optimize your practise with motor learning, a video by Trevor Ragan of Trian Ugly talks.

16-minute video

Block Practice: A traditional approach to practice that involves getting a high number of reps repeating the same movement over and over and over again (hitting ten putts from the same spot).

Random Practice: A practice approach that randomizes reps where you never do the same thing twice (hitting ten putts from different spots on the green).

Once you have watched the video, please consider how you may adopt the principles within the sport of archery. Those people who choose to do this should send their ideas to CCO@berkshirearchery.co.uk and apply for your learning certificate.

Title *



The role of a coach in clean sport

Part 1: 2020 AGM PowerPoint presentation

Part 2: Test your anti-doping knowledge by downloading the ten questions (link in part 1)

Part 3: Question answers. Apply for your certificate of learning (link in part 2).

Part 1:  15 minutes

Part 2:  5 minutes

Part 3:  5 minutes

Title *



Changing from a Recurve bow to a Compound bow

Part 1: A PowerPoint presentation

Part 1a: Presentation notes

Part 2: Test the knowledge you have gained (I suggest you print the questionnaire) then once complete claim your learning certificate (link in part 1).

Part 1:   35 minutes

Part 1a: Notes <10 mins


Part 2:   15 minutes






Find a piece of paper and draw a PIG before you start.

Coaching Archers with Specific Learning Needs.

Anna Heaven

1.7 hrs


Kaizen, the science & art of continuous improvement

Philip Watson


1.4 hrs


Good Foundations (A new view on postural issues for archers)

Wendy Emberson


1.0 hrs

Title *




This presentation provides Coaches and Archers with a comprehensive introduction head-to-head, identifying key area’s that effect head to head performance.

Part 1: 40-minute presentation.

Part 2: Questionnaire, 5-10 minutes.

Part 3: Answers to questionnaire, 5 mins.

Part 4: Certificate collection, 5 minutes. Paragraph




Coach license renewal mandatory requirement.

Update your Safeguarding knowledge prior to renewal.

1) Get Berkshire Active:


2) Or with UK Coaching:


Other training information is available on the Archery GB website.

Two hours on line or at a local venue.

Cost approx £30.

Title *


Coaching Using The G.R.O.W Model

Example of GROW questions

This is a 15-minute presentation which I recommend you view twice or more. When you watch for the second time, please you take notes.

By adopting the principles of G.R.O.W Coaching you will empower yourself and those around you.